3rd Generation Water Engineers
01473 719950
What is Artesian?
Artesian water is water that naturally comes up out of the ground. This is because it is stored in an underground aquifer which is under pressure. The pressure is created by water entering the aquifer from a higher level e.g. surrounding hills and being restrained there by a layer of impervious clay or rock.
Should the impervious layer be punctured by drilling through it, the water will be forced up the borehole to emerge above ground, sometimes with enough pressure to form a fountain. see below

Artesian water may be a resource, if the water quality is good and there is a need for it, for example, for irrigation. Sometimes however, it can be a nuisance, e.g. if the driller of a borehole unexpectedly hits a strong artesian source whilst drilling in a town suburb. At Waterdriller we study local geological reports before the borehole is drilled and therefore know of potential artesian problems borehole drilling.
Waterdriller have experience of the areas where artesian conditions may be expected. We know how to deal with these situations.