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About our Well History

We are family business using traditions of the original well diggers and water engineers. Using methods learnt by Dennis Denny coupled with some modern technologies we provide an extremely efficient, reliable service.

The entire Denny family works in the business. All that information and knowledge, little hints and tips are still being used today.

Water engineering, private water and wells are more than just a job, it is a way of life for us.

With internet coverage we now cover a greater area and have an increased customer base but we still remain true to our traditions and maintain excellent customer service.

Some of the areas we cover are Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, London, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk.

If your location is not listed please get in touch to see how we can help you.


Links below to our related web pages

Please get in touch -


Email Address*


Anglian Pumping Services Ltd

APS House, The Drift, Nacton Rd, Ipswich, IP3 9QR

email -, Tel - 01473 719950

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