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Turbidity Reduction

On borehole and well supplies with high iron and manganese the Turbidity levels are also increased. With Turbidity levels over 20 NTU we recommend installation of a Turbidity reduction filter.

Turbidity is the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by large numbers of individual particles that are generally visible to the naked eye, The measurement of turbidity is a key test of water quality.

Turbidity is measured in NTU: Nephelometric Turbidity Units. The instrument used for measuring it is called nephelometer or turbidimeter, which measures the intensity of light scattered at 90 degrees as a beam of light passes through a water sample.


Filter AG Media


Filter-Ag Plus® is a clinoptilolite natural media with a large surface area and microporous structure, which can be used as a highly efficient filter media for the reduction of suspended matter.

Filter-Ag Plus® is a unique natural ore called clinoptilolite that has many outstanding advantages over common granular filter sands and multimedia used for suspended solids reduction. Viewed under an electron scanning microscope, the granules reveal an angular shape, rough surface and microporous void spaces as small as 3 microns. This creates a surface area over 100 times greater than silica sand.

The angularity of the granules and the tapered internal pore spaces allow for reduction of dirt, silt and organic matter suspended in water by bridging, straining and adhesion. The rough surface and internal porosity provide a high surface area for efficient reduction of suspended matter. Utilizing deep bed filtration can typically reduce suspended solids down to the 5 micron or less range. Filter-Ag Plus®’ structure typically creates less pressure loss through the filter and allows deeper sediment penetration into the bed for higher sediment loading and longer filter runs.

The deep bed filtration capacity of Filter-Ag Plus® prevents a rapid buildup of head loss and blinding problems that are associated with typical sand filters. The longer filter run times reduce backwash frequency, which provides conservation of water. This ideal combination of particle shape, texture and porosity make it a good choice where quality water filtration and water conservation are important.

Substantial savings can be realized when designing a system using Clack Filter-Ag Plus®. Its low pressure drop, high service flow rates and high bed loadings combined with lower backwash frequency allow economy in equipment downsizing and reduced pumping requirements. Its low density also saves on handling expense and shipping costs.

Clack Filter-Ag Plus® can be applied to systems designed for either pressure or gravity flow. Because of its unique physical characteristics, Filter-Ag Plus® can be used to replace multimedia (graded density) filter designs.


For further information please contact our sales team

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Anglian Pumping Services Ltd

APS House, The Drift, Nacton Rd, Ipswich, IP3 9QR

email -, Tel - 01473 719950

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