3rd Generation Water Engineers
01473 719950
WaterDriller Full Installation Service on all equipment
Waterdriller Products
Your borehole or spring supply may provide water that looks good and tastes good – but it probably contains impurities that can be harmful to health or damaging to expensive equipment or fixtures and fittings.
Even if you believe you have built up an immunity to some of the bacteria in the water, other people visiting your property may be at risk, especially the young, the aged or people who do not have good health.
You should also be aware that potential buyers are alerted to the dangers of drinking unfiltered water during property searches which may have a negative effect when it comes to selling your property.
High Iron Problems?

UV Filters
Ultra violet disinfection
(sometimes called UV purification)
is the method of choice for
protecting the majority of private
water supplies from
microbiological contamination.

Iron & Manganese Reduction
Borehole water often contains high concentrations of minerals such as iron and manganese. Even where these mineral concentrations are low, they cannot be ignored.

Turbidity Reduction
Physical filters can be used to remove precipitated Iron and Manganese once passed through a contact assembly.
Filtering down to 5 microns, the backwash valve ensures that the sediment is washed away, thus increasing the life of the catalytic media.

pH Correction
Water from a spring supply is often acidic (less than pH 7). When the pH is low, it causes pin-holing of copper pipe and hot water cylinders.

This often leads to copper leaching into the water causing discolouration (blue tinge / staining) of sanitary ware and light coloured hair.

Nitrate Reduction
The presence of Nitrates in water causes many problems, ranging from blue baby syndrome (if fed to babies under 6 months old) to contamination of poultry if used as feed water for farmed birds.
The source of Nitrates in ground water is usually from farming fertilisers. The EEC permitted maximum is 50mg/l with an advisory maximum of 25mg/l.

Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis is a process that is used to remove a wide range of salts to give water of a high purity. Osmosis is a natural process involving fluid flow across a semi-permeable membrane barrier.
It is the process by which nutrients feed the cells in our bodies and how water gets to leaves at the top of trees.

Water Softeners
Water softeners work by a process known as ion exchange. The hard water passes through a resin column inside a pressure vessel.
The resin removes the Calcium and Magnesium ions and exchanges them for Sodium

Filter Housings
Particualte filtration is the filtering of solid, undisssolved particles from water. The nauture and size of solid particles can vary greatly.
Some examples are clay particles, sand, organic debris, Iron oxide and Manganese oxide.