3rd Generation Water Engineers
01473 719950
Frequently asked questions?
Q. How much would my water well cost?
A.In the first instance please contact us for a free quotation, or simply a general chat. It would largely depend on the geology beneath the property and the depth to the water aquifer. See our Costs page for my detail.
Q. Will the well ever dry up?
A. We drill to a great depth below the water table which allows for seasonal fluctuations ,and drought years, there would have to be no rain for several years to seriously effect a deep borehole.
Q. Do I need a licence for my own well?
A. No, only if you intend to abstract more than 4400 gallons (20000 litres) per day.
Q. How long does will the whole process take?
A. This would depend on the depth of the well and would be discussed before we mobilise to site. Usually anything from 2 days to one month.
Q. What type of rig would be used?
A. Once again this would depend on the type and depth of the well required and your geological location. Rest assured that we have an extensive range of plant, and would mobilise the correct drilling with suitable capabilities.